Visited For Coronary Angioplasty / Bypass Surgery
My father was diagnosed with arteries blockages last year. We thought of taking him to bangalore but a doctor suggested to visit Dr. Sanjay.
Sheetal Priya (Verified)
Visited For Cardiovascular ConditionsAortic Valve SurgeryOpen Heart SurgeryEndovascular stent in thoracic aortaCoronary Artery Bypass Surgery(CABG)-
I recommend the doctor
I was suffering from Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm at high risk with surgery as only option left…
Verified Patient
A person from aurangabad Bihar ( name:-Ishwar sharma )was suffering from Heart disease…. Since last two years He was moving here and there for treatment
Verified Patient
Visited For Echocardiography , Heart Conditions , Cardiac Rehabilitation
I would like to say that person who wanted to know about mr/Dr Sanjay Kumar sir.
No any doctor in this type of all the field advice, satisfactions, treatments, politeness as well as all things.